K-12 Counselor's Office
Fort Ann Central School District is committed to providing our students with the resources and support needed to achieve academic, personal, and emotional success.
What does a School Counselor do?
School counselors serve students in three domains: academic, social/emotional, and college/career.
Article: School Counselor vs. Guidance Counselor?
What does a School Social Worker do?
A school social worker provides services to students, families, and school staff in order to ensure all students are happy, healthy, and safe. A school social worker can provide individual, group, and family counseling and help families access resources related to any needs.
Article: Role of School Social Worker
How long have you worked at Fort Ann CSD, and what do you like to do for fun?
Ms. LaVine: I am going into my fourteenth year. I enjoy spending time with my family and being a mom to my twin boys.
Mrs. Roesch: This is my first year at Fort Ann - I previously worked in Glens Falls and South Glens Falls schools and have also worked as a therapist, a care manager, and a teacher! I like to read, bake, and spend time with my son.
How do I reach the counselor or social worker?
Contact the main school number at (518) 639-5594 and ask to speak with Mrs. Roesch or Ms. LaVine. You can also reach us by email.
Does my child need a permission slip to access counseling?
No permission slip is needed if your child sees a counselor or social worker once or twice. If the student attends more than two times, a permission slip is required to continue to receive counseling services. Students who have an IEP or 504 do not need a permission slip as it is part of their programming.
How long would my child be in counseling?
The goal of counseling is short-term; however, some instances occur where students remain in counseling if they have a 504 or IEP or parent/teacher request.
Can a teacher refer a student for counseling?
A teacher can ask if counseling services can be provided to students. Parent permission is always required, so the team would always consult with parents/guardians and make that decision
What does a typical counseling session look like?
Counseling sessions always start by trying to establish a positive rapport between the student and the service provider. Confidentiality rules are discussed along with any current issue/problem that the student may be going through. A School Counselor and Social Worker also work hard to establish a positive rapport within the family.
When a student meets with a counselor, does everything they talk about stay confidential?
Student counseling sessions are confidential unless someone is hurting the student, the student wants to hurt someone else, or the student wants to hurt themselves. This means that what students say in counseling sessions is not shared with teachers or parents/guardians unless someone is in danger. If a parent/guardian would like to know what’s discussed during counseling, they can ask their child, or the child can give the counselor or social worker permission to share.
What advice would you give to students who are struggling with their overall mental health?
Find something that motivates and inspires you and makes you happy! Just like going to a medical doctor for your physical well-being, students and parents should know that counseling can improve overall mood and help students be academically and socially healthy.
K-12 School Counselor
(518) 639-5594
K-12 Social Worker
(518) 639-5594
K-12 Comprehensive Guidance Plan