Due to the potentially dangerous heat and humid conditions, with the heat index reaching 105 degrees, the building has the potential to be very warm. I have decided to dismiss school early on Thursday and Friday. Dismissal will take place at 11:30 am. Regents exams will still take place at scheduled times. They will be held in air-conditioned spaces. Contact me if you have any questions or concerns jhoskins@fortannschool.org
8 months ago, Justin Hoskins
Our first graders had a blast at the World Awareness Children's Museum in Glens Falls and at Crandall park for lunch! 🐘
8 months ago, Fort Ann Central School
world awareness museum
world awareness museum
world awareness museum
world awareness museum
world awareness museum
world awareness museum
world awareness museum
world awareness museum
world awareness museum
world awareness museum
Nearly 50 of our fourth and fifth graders showcased their amazing singing talents as part of the 1,200-voice American Young Voices Choir at the MVP Arena in Albany. They sang “from their heart with all of their power!” Great job everyone! 🎤🎶
8 months ago, Fort Ann Central School
American young voices
American young voices
American young voices
American young voices
American young voices
American young voices
Our Pre-K students are bus-riding experts now! They learned all about bus safety and can't wait to hop on next year. 🚌 🥰
8 months ago, Fort Ann Central School
Pre-k bus safety
Pre-k bus safety
Pre-k bus safety
Pre-k bus safety
Pre-k bus safety
Pre-k bus safety
Pre-k bus safety
Our first graders got up close and personal with some amazing animal friends during their trip to the Jungle Experience Zoo!
8 months ago, Fort Ann Central School
1st grade trip to zoo
1st grade trip to zoo
1st grade trip to zoo
1st grade trip to zoo
1st grade trip to zoo
Congratulations to our Students-of-the-Month! Students are chosen for their overall improvement in behavior and/or academics in the classroom. In addition to a certificate and special letter home, they will also get relaxation time with Finn, Mr. Jenkins’ therapy dog; special seating in the cafeteria; and lanyards to wear. May Students of the Month Maddison Argus James Backus Mady Beck Raegan Beck Layla Conklin Nick Decker Felicity Eldred Hadleigh Fuller Elias Goodman Bryson Goodspeed Taylor Green Waverly Harrison Lane Herringshaw Rose Kramer Stella Loparnos Kolsten Michel Hazelle Morrison Theo Patterson Nick Porter Layla Russell Nicholas Sesselman Michael Stowhas Jensen Treadway Camden White Brody Winchell
9 months ago, Fort Ann Central School
May SOM 3-5
May SOM K-2
Our students' inquisitive minds were on display at our first annual science, technology, and art fair! Thank you to everyone who participated - we can't wait for next year! 🤓
9 months ago, Fort Ann Central School
1st annual science fair
Our fourth and fifth graders enjoyed a fun field trip to the Spa Little Theatre to see a performance for Classical Kids featuring Hot Club of Saratoga. 🎵
9 months ago, Fort Ann Central School
classical kids concert
classical kids concert
classical kids concert
classical kids concert
Mark your calendars for Pre-K graduation!
9 months ago, Fort Ann Central School
pre-k graduation
Our exercise experts brought their A-game to Fitness Friday! 🏃‍♀️
9 months ago, Fort Ann Central School
Fitness Friday
Fitness Friday
Fitness Friday
Fitness Friday
Fitness Friday
Fitness Friday
Fitness Friday
Fitness Friday
Mrs. Soprano’s class rehearsed songs from the '70s with Mrs. Ashton and Ms. MacMillan, a student teacher from the Crane School of Music, for Decades Night tonight at 6 pm! Performers should arrive at 5:30.
9 months ago, Fort Ann Central School
Decades night rehearsal
REMINDER - Our Grandparents Breakfast will be held next week! We can't wait to see you!
9 months ago, Fort Ann Central School
grandparent breakfast
Mrs. Bush’s first-grade class was “a-buzz” with excitement when Terri and Arnold Sprague from B’s Bee Haven came to share all about their honey-making buddies.
9 months ago, Fort Ann Central School
Beekeeper Visit
Beekeeper Visit
Beekeeper Visit
Beekeeper Visit
Come and meet the candidates running for the Fort Ann Board of Education! Thank you to the PTSO for hosting this event!
10 months ago, Fort Ann Central School
BOE meet the candidates
Support the sixth grade class! Order here by April 29! https://dutchmillbulbs.com/fort-ann-central-school-6th-gr... 🌺🌹🌼
10 months ago, Fort Ann Central School
6 grade bulb fundraiser
Chad White, Retired Petty Officer 2nd Class, visited with our fourth graders during our bonus career day this month. Mr. White, who served with the Seabees, shared his reasons for choosing the military, including the opportunity to travel the world and fund a college degree through service. He also emphasized the camaraderie among those he served with, describing them as family. Thank you to Ms. LaVine and Mr. Woodell-Freire for organizing this event!
10 months ago, Fort Ann Central School
Career day 7 pt 2
Career day 7 pt 2
Career day 7 pt 2
Career day 7 pt 2
Career day 7 pt 2
Mrs. Moulton's first graders put their lessons on natural vs. man-made resources into practice and worked together to create a "Gratitude Tree"! 🌳💚 After collecting sticks, they made a tree and decorated it with paper leaves filled with words of gratitude and kindness. We're proud of our thoughtful first-grade friends.
10 months ago, Fort Ann Central School
gratitude tree
gratitude tree
gratitude tree
gratitude tree
gratitude tree
REMINDER! Testing begins on Monday, April 15 with grade 3 and 6 ELA. Do you have questions about the NYS assessments for grades 3-8? Check the NYS ED website for more information https://www.nysed.gov/state-assessment/parent-resources
10 months ago, Fort Ann Central School
Fourth graders had a visit from Michael Sexton, Correction Sergeant at the Great Meadow Correctional Facility, during our seventh career day. Mr. Sexton explained what training is needed to be a corrections officer and what a typical day is like. The students also got to look at some gear up close. Thank you to Ms. LaVine and Mr. Woodell-Freire for organizing this event!
10 months ago, Fort Ann Central School
Career day 7
Career day 7
Career day 7
Career day 7
Career day 7
Career day 7
Career day 7
Career day 7
Elementary Concert! Tuesday, May 7 at 6 pm!
10 months ago, Fort Ann Central School
elementary concert flyer